Monday 3 June 2013


The common idea of love and friendship is:

Have you have had a pair of shoes, jeans, shorts or a t-shirt, shirt or top that was so old, torn, ugly and worn out that you never seemed to want to through it away no matter what? We all have had such. Mine was a pair of blue flat shoes that had some three strands of silver chains on each show. In short the shoes were cute and girly.

I remember clearly that my sister threw those shoes away when I went to town and I got pretty upset with her when I found out what she did. The old item that u love may be at times a bad habit, a weird relationship and even some weird character that one possesses.

I have to admit those old things signified a lot even in ones personal life. May be you want to give up on a relationship that you feel is not leading you anywhere. Or of course want to reduce on partying and drinking. These come with a lot of will power and determination.

We have to agree that after sometime fighting to keep what you want may not be worth at all. It is just quick cement, sand or mad that just dries so fast the moment you step on it or it just wants to sink you so fast that you don’t realize what is happening. After all is LOVE NOT WAR?

By the time you awaken your senses you usually so dried up or in too deep that you just want to give up and stay in that state. It is like when you innocently wish someone a nice day or month and all they say is a sinister or sarcastic thing behind it. When will you just wake up and say enough is enough to all those dull, boring, worn out issues in your life? 

Why is it that woman are is said to be disrespectful to their men in public yet in private the men hurl demeaning insults and some go to the extent of even hitting those women like they are a bag of maize? It comes a time when people have just let go and move on. If it is love, you know love is respectful, does not hurt, does not engage in cold war, does not insult. Love is seeing beyond ones pride and ego and accepts that it comes hand in hand with understanding and maturity. 

Love and friendship should not be a place you judged first, alienated first, got tired of by your friend. It should be a place where patience is exercised, place where freedom of expression is practiced, and a place where no judgement is passed long before even a minute has gone by.

Love does not put a line between man issues and lady issues. It combines them. It keeps them together. It provides a place of escape from those lines set by the society. It is where one can feel vulnerable and not feels exposed. It provides a place away from judgement. A place of refuge from the anger expressed to gender. It should be a place were one should feels needed, wanted despite their shortcomings and imperfections.

Be the source of all that. The last thing a person wants is to come to is anger, hurt, pain, alienation. Be the person who provides an escape and refuge from all that. Be the last person to give the man-woman line reason. Be the person who removes the distinction in existence.