Wednesday 22 May 2013


Today I was so engrossed in reading the girl who played with fire, a sequel to the novel the girl with the dragon tattoo and I wished I had half the guts Lisbeth had. Too bad the writer of the novel died after issuing three manuscripts of the Lisbeth. It would have been a wonderful and thrilling series of books. 

Anyway I do hope you have had an excellent day. So I was thinking about the heroes and heroines in our lives. So you have one? We do need to because they help set a trend for us to follow. They become the people who look up to. 

They give us a way in which we can identify with. They give us the opportunity to believe in possibilities and that the world is not doomed as at times we tend to think. I was reading a story of a graduate who has send 300 applications and has never got any regret note or anything of the sort. In as much I can identify with him, he gives me the hope and need of not giving up.

We will need to look into the strength that we need to develop and harness with time. Life doesn’t become easier as we grow things get more challenging and complicated with time. It is when we grow up we realize that the world is not in black and white but a spectrum of multicolor. 

They say shades of grey, black, blue but whatever mixture of these shades don’t let them confuse you. They are there to train you on the different aspects that life challenges present. They make you toughen up. Groom you for the future. Make you the stronger. Reminds me of the song that Kelly Clarkson released last year, what does not kill you make you stronger.

This is true to every last dot. It makes you stronger and a hard nut to crack and that is what makes you the future hero or heroine for other sons and daughters. I am in this situation where those words are being put to the test and I am hoping that at the end I will emerge victorious.

No matter what issues you might face today, this is just the foundation, a stepping stone to the best you will achieve. I believe in things getting better. I am the person who believes getting things through the law of attraction. It may be put to test like mine has been put to but success is what I need most.
Everyone needs success. Be it financially, relationship wise or whatever thing you want to obtain success in. At the end of the day, it is that person who you take for as a role model who will guide you in the darkest, and provide you with the “moral” support you will need when the going gets tough.

By the way, in this process, I am looking for a person to give us an article in my blog. You can write something and sent in to me in the email: The best article will be published as a guest blogger. The offer is valid till Sunday, 26th May.

I believe in giving a platform in which my readers can express themselves to me and the rest of the article. I may not have an award to give the reader but with time I am sure this will be a perfect time to share your knowledge with the world.

Tuesday 21 May 2013



I lacked sleep the other night but yesterday I slept like a baby. It feels so good getting such a goodnight rest. Maybe its because I was thinking too much unnecessarily but truth be told sometimes thinking too much about issues is not the best way of handling a matter after all it won’t even solve it.

So as we grow up we learn about the things we need to take blame and the things we need to let go sooner or later. At times it is good to just be clear about when you want out of a relationship, a job or even a life.

You know when a friend hurts you may not come as a surprise to you anyway you need to trust them but give them that percentage of doubt that they can hurt you hundred folds over than an acquaintance.
As we grow up we come to the point where you may start to think that you have no enough friends, you don’t go out often enough, you are stay in the house for too long (I am a culprit of staying in the house too much that when I walk for long distances my muscles strain) or that you got so few friends that the fingers are quite huge number. 

I may not know what you can be going through right now but the fact it at times you need to just awaken your mind and you too and smell the coffee dear. It is time you stood up by your beliefs and don’t let them weak so as to accommodate a person or a thing that is not worth you.

A beautiful thing worth of you takes you for who you are. It never tries to change you. It understands you and your feelings. It understands your emotions. It understands your independence. It accords you respect even in private.  What is the point of respecting you in public but the highest disrespect in the world is it accords you in private?

As I write this my best friend from way back then in primary school just called me and reminded me that whatever is in your mind is what you get. So think of getting something beautiful by your side today and it will so be. As I write this I have already set a miracle aside in my head and I am sure it will come true.

The beauty about life is not about how beautiful or handsome you are. It is about having beautiful things surround you. Be it be a loving respecting relationship, a good stress free job, a successful business, a nice hobby you like doing so much, a beautiful family all these things make it worth living.

Giving up should never be an alternative because by doing this you will always end up blaming yourself. Accepting what is less and below your standards is you should never blame anyone else rather than you. But let’s say you have already done that, blamed yourself, what is next? Are you going to wallow in disappointment and hate it all attitude towards life? Towards everything and everyone?

You wake up, dust yourself up, hold your head up high and take the first step towards recovery. Talk to people don’t vent on social media, we don’t want to know every little thing about your personal life. Talk to a therapist if you have one, your mama she is the best, she knows this process too well than most of us or someone who is never going to betray you. 

I may not be the best in giving advice, but for me the best therapy for the first step towards freedom is writing and blogging. Find something that will eventually help you in taking that next step towards freedom, towards beauty, towards living full.

After all, what is life if it isn’t beautiful?


Sometimes being idle is not the best thing but at times it makes you reflect on things you could have done differently. It’s been barely a day since I was “fired” from my writing job because personal issues came in my professional relationship with my boss but anyway regrets are for later. 

Honestly, I cannot stand doing nothing. I am not used to being that way. So i come across some blogs in the twitter handle of Capital campus and get me in thinking, why can’t I not just concentrate on what I love doing most.

The problem is that it is not defined. I have not no idea what I should like doing out of my three favorite hobbies, music, blogging and researching. Well, research is out of the question because I am not doing the academic writing any more but the fun thing about blogging plus music is that they mix pretty well.

Enough about my day, so I come back to what we 20s people ought to be doing at the moment. Apart from the 12.50 Kenyan shillings that Safaricom should give to Kenyan which has been stated repeatedly as 40Million Kenyans to be given a million each and Safaricom keep the rest in the social media. I think we are very much on money oriented so much forgetting that to get that money you have to lay a foundation in something. Be it in careers, business or hobbies.

In addition, a British university is offering heavy metal rock music classes to the graduates. Economic times are indeed tough so what are as the 20s age group doing about it. I am in no position to start telling you get a job, I have fallen victim of these tough times. The jobs are so few the applicants so many. I have even a group of contacts I call the hustling group because for every interview I go I always end up meeting them.

So what do we do when faced with such difficulties, our hobbies become the next best thing to help us keep busy. Be it blogging, blog, you might get a mail for an award. Be it cooking mandazi, cook them at least you are practicing marketing, a great foundation. If you like to write lyrics and inspire us 20s in terms of poems or songs, do it. It may take 40 years for the economy to stabilize but at least you did one of your hobbies.

At the end of the day, waiting for things to fall out of the sky or engaging in immoral acts (I am not holding myself so righteous but there are things that are low) why not use one of tour many dormant talents to forge ahead. You never know where your break through may come. The university degree just gives you a better opportunity to become leverage in the world but it necessarily defines your career. It just awakes the creativity in you. It gives you the green light to go into the world with knowledge that is not restricted to the outlined careers available under your degree.

It is made to sharpen your creativity and make you a critical thinker.

Monday 20 May 2013


What make the mid twenty ages so hard. It is the period of discovery. It is the period that one grows and turns themselves into what they want. It is in this period that one can get lost or make it. 

It is in this time that you really define you whether you are the man or woman who runs away from issues or faces them head on. It is in this time even the worst of situations can be a source of inspiration. Personally, bad days make the best of inspirations. Good days I just feel too normal to make sense of what is really happening.

I am turning into exactly whom I have always envisioned to be. I am independent person who makes decisions even in the hardest of time. I have come to realize that you may plan something with a person but when it is their turn to hold the end of their bargain they don’t really cannot.

It is in this period that you can determine you life’s long term happiness. It is in this time you can be accommodate. It is in this time you want to fit in the society. It is in this time you come to realize that the person you are slowly sinking into is not the person you want to be.

It is in this time that you build a foundation of your career either being employed or your own business. It is in this time that you have ideas in your mind. It is in this time that having the proper support system means the best for the rest of your life.

It is in this age that people start getting comfortable with meager things of this life. You settle for less in relationships, you settle for less in your abilities, you begin doubting your capabilities because your support system is feeling you with doubts.

It this is what you feeling, remember you are at your prime and it is time to change your support system. It might be tough at the beginning but with time you will be all good. Waiting till you forty wont be the best alternative because at then it won’t be you alone, there will be more people involved and decision making becomes technical.

Time to act your age and be free is now. Built yourself and a person will accept you way you are in the next five years and by then, you will be what mamas want their sons or daughters to be.


I don't know where to begin. It started out as a normal conversation. People got issues of course but just because you are disappointed in yourself it does not mean that you should start getting physical with other people. Sometimes when you stand your ground they will say you are arrogant or you got ego. When you are content with the little you are getting or having, it becomes a problem

I might not be the best of writers but still, isn't my style to be the vague, at times the interested party who just want enough for herself. Drama queens we ladies can get but at times i blame the man. If its the lady stuff drama is okay. You go through your woman's phone and you find she discussed you with some else. My man do not get disappointed or hurt. The best way to know she is hurt is when she talks about you. She may not say it but that is the truth. It may be the worst thing thing she can say about you but hey, you have said it too don't act like a saint.

Sometimes i talk a lot. I am a woman after all. Most ladies are people of many words. But coming to your lady and telling her to go screw some man is not the best approach to go about it. She got feelings.She is bound to say stuff but raising your hand on her is not the way to go.

She hurts. She is frustrated to. Its like a knife in the body and you keep on twisting it. You twist it some more and she will explode. Men, you need to know your problem is our problem and pretending to  be okay and you know its not okay won't help much.

I am hurt too because when i am frustrated you thing i am insulting you. I am a woman. I might not be the one who tells her man all the nitty gritty things of her life to her man but i am. My job search is not going on so well, welcome to the third world. I guess that is what it is trying to tell me. The moment i offer my services, to more than required, please pick it and appreciate. After dropping a hard nut on your woman, don't expect her to not be frustrated, she will be. More than she is letting. And yes, women hurt the most.