Monday 20 May 2013


I don't know where to begin. It started out as a normal conversation. People got issues of course but just because you are disappointed in yourself it does not mean that you should start getting physical with other people. Sometimes when you stand your ground they will say you are arrogant or you got ego. When you are content with the little you are getting or having, it becomes a problem

I might not be the best of writers but still, isn't my style to be the vague, at times the interested party who just want enough for herself. Drama queens we ladies can get but at times i blame the man. If its the lady stuff drama is okay. You go through your woman's phone and you find she discussed you with some else. My man do not get disappointed or hurt. The best way to know she is hurt is when she talks about you. She may not say it but that is the truth. It may be the worst thing thing she can say about you but hey, you have said it too don't act like a saint.

Sometimes i talk a lot. I am a woman after all. Most ladies are people of many words. But coming to your lady and telling her to go screw some man is not the best approach to go about it. She got feelings.She is bound to say stuff but raising your hand on her is not the way to go.

She hurts. She is frustrated to. Its like a knife in the body and you keep on twisting it. You twist it some more and she will explode. Men, you need to know your problem is our problem and pretending to  be okay and you know its not okay won't help much.

I am hurt too because when i am frustrated you thing i am insulting you. I am a woman. I might not be the one who tells her man all the nitty gritty things of her life to her man but i am. My job search is not going on so well, welcome to the third world. I guess that is what it is trying to tell me. The moment i offer my services, to more than required, please pick it and appreciate. After dropping a hard nut on your woman, don't expect her to not be frustrated, she will be. More than she is letting. And yes, women hurt the most.

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