Tuesday 21 May 2013



I lacked sleep the other night but yesterday I slept like a baby. It feels so good getting such a goodnight rest. Maybe its because I was thinking too much unnecessarily but truth be told sometimes thinking too much about issues is not the best way of handling a matter after all it won’t even solve it.

So as we grow up we learn about the things we need to take blame and the things we need to let go sooner or later. At times it is good to just be clear about when you want out of a relationship, a job or even a life.

You know when a friend hurts you may not come as a surprise to you anyway you need to trust them but give them that percentage of doubt that they can hurt you hundred folds over than an acquaintance.
As we grow up we come to the point where you may start to think that you have no enough friends, you don’t go out often enough, you are stay in the house for too long (I am a culprit of staying in the house too much that when I walk for long distances my muscles strain) or that you got so few friends that the fingers are quite huge number. 

I may not know what you can be going through right now but the fact it at times you need to just awaken your mind and you too and smell the coffee dear. It is time you stood up by your beliefs and don’t let them weak so as to accommodate a person or a thing that is not worth you.

A beautiful thing worth of you takes you for who you are. It never tries to change you. It understands you and your feelings. It understands your emotions. It understands your independence. It accords you respect even in private.  What is the point of respecting you in public but the highest disrespect in the world is it accords you in private?

As I write this my best friend from way back then in primary school just called me and reminded me that whatever is in your mind is what you get. So think of getting something beautiful by your side today and it will so be. As I write this I have already set a miracle aside in my head and I am sure it will come true.

The beauty about life is not about how beautiful or handsome you are. It is about having beautiful things surround you. Be it be a loving respecting relationship, a good stress free job, a successful business, a nice hobby you like doing so much, a beautiful family all these things make it worth living.

Giving up should never be an alternative because by doing this you will always end up blaming yourself. Accepting what is less and below your standards is you should never blame anyone else rather than you. But let’s say you have already done that, blamed yourself, what is next? Are you going to wallow in disappointment and hate it all attitude towards life? Towards everything and everyone?

You wake up, dust yourself up, hold your head up high and take the first step towards recovery. Talk to people don’t vent on social media, we don’t want to know every little thing about your personal life. Talk to a therapist if you have one, your mama she is the best, she knows this process too well than most of us or someone who is never going to betray you. 

I may not be the best in giving advice, but for me the best therapy for the first step towards freedom is writing and blogging. Find something that will eventually help you in taking that next step towards freedom, towards beauty, towards living full.

After all, what is life if it isn’t beautiful?

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