“This research project is just taking a toll on
me and it’s just so tough and complex!”
No! I should not even think of that leave alone
confess it with my mouth. This takes me way back to a particular time when I
said something close to this a while back.
“Hey best friend, there is this particular unit
I’m doing is so tough. I am barely getting a thing out of all this reading. I’m
so going to fail.” I once said to my best friend.
“It takes one wrong thought or a word said it
make everything in your life go wrong.” That is a word of advice my friend of
advice offered to me by my new best friend when we met up during a lunch break
He taught me the law of attraction in simple terms.
It was just during one of those very minds stimulating discussion we like to
engage it once in a while. It is the best thing I would have ever learnt from
My new best friend taught me a few things about
the success. The success one acquires is as a result of what you feed your mind
with. Negative thoughts give you failure. If you think and even confess that
whatever you doing is tough or you won’t be able to get anything out of it then
that is exactly what you get.
Whatever you feed your mind, it gives you back
that. I know this because I put it in use and it enabled me achieve a success
in certain area.
Think that you want to have a good relationship.
It comes back to you. Think you want success in your class work or anything
else then it will come back to you.
I do know that my best friend taught me a few
things about success but the best lesson was that I am responsible for my
success. I am what I think. My thoughts create me. They make me a success or a
Thoughts make a man or a lady. You are what you
think, the best principle that I have actually lived by since I had that talk
with my best friend. It has brought me success and joy in ways I never knew.
My best friend is a great teacher. I may not tell you
that often but you are.
So my good people think right and if you cannot
think right, then you better not think at all.
thats really true,you are what u think u r,positive thots all the way