Tuesday 18 December 2012


Wow! It has been a long time.
Those past few weeks have been hectic. Exams, meetings, job seeking, relationship issues to settle i mean it is in a days work for me.
I miss him a lot though.

Its been two weeks now and it feels like forever. You see i am upcountry with mom. I had missed her so much and i just wanted to spent this festive season with her.  Its the last one i can actually stay for the entire period because in a few months i will be moving out  and i am so going to miss ma mom. She is my best friend. Of course after my beloved man.

In every relationship there is always that time when things go wrong. She is moody. He feels like staying out with the guys. He pulls one of those disappearing acts. Calling you to just check up on you and know how you are doing. But at least he does call you.
She wants to run off to Paris(for some of us, we wish to shop there till our pockets run dry) and she does shopping without a worry of how much she us. 

Anyway it has not been a sweet ride for us either but our simple relationship motto says "never go to bed angry with me" always does the trick.
When you slip in those soft white sheets and all you can think of is, "He makes me smile. She makes me feel such a man." I mean that is the best feeling you can have because you never go to bed angry at her. At him.

I  have grown up in the issues concerning relationships since i met him. He makes me feel like i am the queen of his world. 
He has this way with words that make me smile. Makes me feel so alive. He is the king. The man that i thing of when i am at my lowest. The man that gives me a smile. He is that man that we ladies dream off.
When in such a relationship were the only thing i thing of is not what mischief he is up to but all i can say and wish for is for him to smile. Be filled with health. He to have the desires of his heart. He is my man and i am proud of him.

I miss you dear and i wish you were here with me.
Ladies be proud of your man. Treat him with respect. You might be surprised by what he might do to you.


Friday 23 November 2012


"What can happen in a day?"
A new baby is born.
A new drug is discovered.
A person dies.
I can go on and and about what happens in a day. So with time to get to appreciate the facts of life in a day. 
A day in a person life can mean the beginning of a better future. It can mean a mistake you can regret for the rest of your life. It can also mean the beginning of something beautiful.

I don't like considering myself as a perfect person but trust me perfect things do happen to me. A perfect relationship for instance is something that i have been treasuring for the last seven or so months.

The idea of someone holding my hand when taking a walk, the kind of feeling when you see someone and all you see is just them. You actually focus on that particular individual and all that you see is them. Just like it happens in movies. You momentarily stop breathing for a second. You see the world narrowing down to that particular person.

All over sudden your sense start to tickle. Your body starts to quiver. Your hands start to behave in a funny way. They are all stretched to hug someone. Your tongue dances behind your lips. 

Every time you think about that person your mouth is filled with this sweet tasting flavor that you cannot seem to get out of your mouth. All your senses come to live.

Its like that verse in the bible that says that you where dead but you were brought back to life (paraphrased). Its like there is only one person in the world who is supposed to make you feel like the way he did make me feel.

No one has ever brought that feeling in me. 

I came to life. Reminds me of Evanescence song called "Bring Me To Life". Rock fans know exactly what i am talking about. i will quote a part of it. " all this time I can't believe I couldn't see
kept in the dark but you were there in front of me, i have been sleeping for a thousand years its seems, got to open my eyes to everything"

Yeah, that one particular person who make you feel like you have been in the dark for a thousand year. 
He makes you feel like you have never know what love is all about.

Until he come along and once he looks into your eyes, its like he sees your soul.
Knows your thoughts. Knows your deepest desires. He keeps you wanting for more in love.

Ladies in love. Gentlemen in love. You know what i am talking about. I promised romance. And romance is here with us.

The roller-coaster if love and romance is about to begin.


Monday 19 November 2012


I was beginning to slack on my new found passion and I must apologize for the long wait. The exams, the sit in cats and the assignments and all that to do with school work must have gotten the best of me.

I think this instance reminds me of something my best friend used to tell me when you let other things start to occupy your mind other than the most important thing.
 Making yourself happy was one of those things. Concentrating on making other people happy other than yourself was a very sure way of making those same people unhappy.

“You cannot make other people happy unless you yourself are happy” as he used to call it, its lie trying to build a house from the top without the foundation.
The foundation of the most basic things such as love, happiness, kindness among other was simple. Teach how to do all those to yourself. If you want to learn to love better to people, then love yourself first.

You want to learn to be kind to people, be kind to yourself first. I mean you cannot be mean to yourself and expect to be kind to others. The best of all the things you wish to do to others learn to do them to yourself first.

Waking up everyday, and reminding yourself you need to love yourself first, be  kind to yourself first and deciding to just be happy every time you wake up is the surest way to achieve those qualities.

These qualities are just infectious. They come naturally when you around the people you love. If the people you meet will just see a beautiful aura around. It’s a beautiful feeling or thing when people describe you as,
            “That kind lady/man”
            “That loving lady/man”

The best description one could ever wish for is that of that happy lady/man. That loveable person is what you desired; it shall all be yours if you wish to have it. But the sacrifice you have to make is to train how to love yourself first, kind to yourself first.

Learning to love you first is the greatest love of all.


Wednesday 7 November 2012


“This research project is just taking a toll on me and it’s just so tough and complex!” 

No! I should not even think of that leave alone confess it with my mouth. This takes me way back to a particular time when I said something close to this a while back.

“Hey best friend, there is this particular unit I’m doing is so tough. I am barely getting a thing out of all this reading. I’m so going to fail.” I once said to my best friend.

“It takes one wrong thought or a word said it make everything in your life go wrong.” That is a word of advice my friend of advice offered to me by my new best friend when we met up during a lunch break
He taught me the law of attraction in simple terms. It was just during one of those very minds stimulating discussion we like to engage it once in a while. It is the best thing I would have ever learnt from him.

My new best friend taught me a few things about the success. The success one acquires is as a result of what you feed your mind with. Negative thoughts give you failure. If you think and even confess that whatever you doing is tough or you won’t be able to get anything out of it then that is exactly what you get.

Whatever you feed your mind, it gives you back that. I know this because I put it in use and it enabled me achieve a success in certain area.

Think that you want to have a good relationship. It comes back to you. Think you want success in your class work or anything else then it will come back to you.
I do know that my best friend taught me a few things about success but the best lesson was that I am responsible for my success. I am what I think. My thoughts create me. They make me a success or a failure.

Thoughts make a man or a lady. You are what you think, the best principle that I have actually lived by since I had that talk with my best friend. It has brought me success and joy in ways I never knew.

My best friend is a great teacher. I may not tell you that often but you are.

So my good people think right and if you cannot think right, then you better not think at all.


Sunday 4 November 2012


May be my new found passion of blogging is either making me lose track of time or maybe it is making me want to revive my desire for writing. A dream I used to have when I was in high school.

I mean as we grow up at times we lose track of our dreams. We forget, what i like to call “our first love. Our first passion” I mean after all, isn’t us who want to have mediocre friends, love and even life by how we think?

A new friendship was growing from the least expected person and place. He had a way of making me want more for myself. A friendship where I kept my identity and I didn’t have to lose it just to impress him.

With time, I realized I could make more of my life. He found me at a low point in my life. I mean my last relationship was pathetic. I would do things just to please him. I couldn’t even live my own life. Taking care of him was all i could ever do. And somehow with that I was content. Until he came along.

He showed me that if no one else can value my life at least I should value my own life. The ability to live, just for me. To at least be a bit selfish with my own life. He showed me not to accept less than what I bargain for. He gave me the power to have a bargaining power in my own life and relationships. This sort of reminded me of welfare economics. If you have something of value you want to protect and your opponent or buyer knows it, then you have a upper hand to bargain for a price to cover all negative impacts that may arise from the transaction.

Deep down I was like, “ is this just one of those people that fate just wanted you to meet?” it felt right.

Being with him made me realize my true self. He enabled to bring the best out of me. I mean the best friendships and relationships are those that brig the best out of you. They keep your identity. They keep you simple. They keep you true to yourself. Those are what I call good friendships.  He taught me a lesson.

A lesson about what true friendship is all about.


Saturday 3 November 2012

How it all began!

Well lets just say it takes a little bit of courage to just greet a stranger at the bus stop. Sometimes you cannot help but wonder could this person be a kidnapper or those guys who drug ladies in buses and rape them at cemeteries and leave them for dead. It was more of a lip of faith but i was  like why not give it a try.

The most boring day i must have had it was refreshing to see that smile. the warmth it showed. The encouragement it gave. I mean its like that much ice cream during the heat wave and momentarily it gives you a brain freeze. Or that very cold coca cola he surely liked when the sun was so hot. i liked to hear the way he breathed in with relaxation as the bubbles of the cola just melted in his mouth. He made me have a soft spot for fizzy drinks especially the cola.

Lets jut say on that hot September afternoon i met a good friend. Someone i would learn to trust and learn to live free. A life i would learn to appreciate every little thing i have. I would learn to be content. I leart the art of being me. The fact that with time the little things mattered the most.

Ladies and gentlemen who are suckers for romance then this is the blog you should be reading. For this one here, she loves life and with time, she learned to give.

